Our customers asked for a fashionable pen designed just for women, so our PSI design team went to work and responded with this stylish newDiva Charm Pen series. The caps feature genuine Swarovski®crystals on the cap band and an attractive Swarovski® crystalcharm suspended off the cap end. This beautiful, smooth writing pen issure to get noticed. Pen components are plated in Gold T/N and Rhodiumto match. Features a single 3/8" tube, a flawless mechanism (in thecap), Parker style refill and is easy to turn and assemble. Please notethe pen blanks shown on the pens are not included in the pack.
This Diva Charm Pen Kit sampler pack includes: - 1 Clear Crystal style Pen Kit
- 1 Red Crystal style Pen Kit
- 1 Aurora Borealis Crystal Style Pen Kit
- 1 Blue Sapphire Crystal style Pen Kit
- 1 Purple Tanzanite Crystal style Pen Kit