
Celtic Rollerball andFountain Pen Kit 3pc Bushing Set

Celtic Rollerball andFountain Pen Kit 3pc Bushing Set

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    Purchase Celtic Rollerball andFountain Pen Kit 3pc Bushing Set
    #PKCPENRBU | In stock, Ready to ship!


    3 piece bushing set you need to make the Celtic Rollerball and Fountain pen kits.


    Specification Description
    Projects Used On: Celtic Rollerball / Fountain Pens
    Category: Bushings


    Customer Q & A

    Where to Use

    Where this item is used:

    You can use this Celtic Rollerball andFountain Pen Kit 3pc Bushing Set for turning the correct barrel diameters of any of the Pen Kits in the list below:

    Accessories Set for Celtic Rollerball and Fountain Pen Kits
    Accessories Set for Celtic Rollerball and Fountain Pen Kits Item # PKCPRBSET Our Price: $23.95
    1 reviews