
Fire Starter Flint Kit

Fire Starter Flint Kit

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    Purchase Fire Starter Flint Kit
    #PKFS38 | In stock, Ready to ship!

    Sell this for an average of $20.00 Learn more

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    Buy 5-23 Save 7% $5.55 ea
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    A great gift for hunters, fishermen, backpacker and campers! Features a 3/8 in. dia. x 3 in. long flint rod, metal striker, lanyard with end clip and ferrule. To use, just gather some kindling and strike the flint rod with the metal striker to start your fire. Works in both wet and dry conditions and will last for over 50,000 strikes. Easy to turn between centers.


    Specification Description
    How Turned: Between Centers
    Drill Sizes Used: 3/8in Drill Bit
    Skill Level: Average
    Blank Size: 1in x 1in x 5in
    Hole Size: 8-Mar
    Pen Diameter: Varies
    Compatible Tube Sizes: na
    Bushings Needed: Item #na
    Category: Fire Starter Kits



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