
Squirrel Call Kit

Squirrel Call Kit

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    #PKGCALL5 | In stock, Ready to ship!

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    Create a hand-made game call with competition-quality sound. Emulate the chatter of a tree squirrel to and move them towards your location and attract their predators. This call is perfect for calling bobcat, lynx, and other predatory animals that hunt squirrels and birds. Simply puff small breaths of air and flick your tongue at the same time. Turn the wood holders for these pre-formed sounding board/reed assemblies. Use a single piece of spindle stock 1-1/2 in. x 1-1/2 in. by 4 in. long. Easy to make on a pen mandrel, pre-fabricated sound boards make for simple assembly.


    Specification Description
    How Turned: Pen Mandrel
    Drill Sizes Used: 1/2in Forstner Bit
    Pieces in Set: 1
    Bushings Needed: Item #PKGCALL2BU
    Category: Game Call Kits



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    $15.00 walnut

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