Easily do long range distressed rabbit screams to lure in all types of predators from far away. Once you get them in close, use the mouse squeaker/rodent coaxer to finish the job. The Buck Gardner brand of game calls offer appareled quality and performance. We bring their patented field-tested Game Call technology and quality to this kit. The Call Kit is pre-tuned and tested by Buck's expert staff, guaranteed to meet your highest expectations.
To use the call: Lure them in close from far away with longer range screams. Place the call in the web of your hand between the thumb, and index finger cupped loosely to easily reproduce the sounds of a distressed rabbit, an finish the job with the mouse squeaker/rodent coaxer by imitating a field mouse in distress (block the exhaust end, and blow a wavering series of whimpers - waah waah waah).