
Easy Elegance Salt and Peppermill Mechanism

Easy Elegance Salt and Peppermill Mechanism

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    Purchase Easy Elegance Salt and Peppermill Mechanism
    #PKGRIND10 | In stock, Ready to ship!

    Sell this for an average of $30.50 Learn more


    Wouldn't you like to create a beautiful peppermill that's really easy to make? With the Easy Elegance Peppermill Mechanism it's never been easier to create an amazing peppermill. The mechanism is a clear and fully functional grinder - all you do is turn the top and bottom, place the turned parts over the mechanism and voila! You've turned an incredible, fully functional and elegant peppermill in mere minutes. Mechanism is 2" dia with a 1-1/2 high" clear window. Overall size can vary from 6" on up by making the bottom wood sleeve longer. Turn the top and bottom holes about 2" dia. (2.04" drill available) - only one hole size necessary!. Grinds salt and pepper.


    Specification Description
    Type: Peppermill
    How Turned: Between Centers
    Drill Sizes Used: 2.04in Forstner Bit
    Skill Level: Average
    Blank Size: 2-1/2 x 6"
    Pieces in Set: 1
    Category: Peppermill Kits



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    $23.00 White and red oak

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    $23 $38

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