
Super Pen Making Starter Set with Turncrafter Commander 10in. Variable speed Midi Lathe

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Super Pen Making Starter Set with Turncrafter Commander 10in. Variable speed Midi Lathe

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    Purchase Super Pen Making Starter Set with Turncrafter Commander 10in. Variable speed Midi Lathe
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    If you've always thought about pen making but weren't sure exactly what lathe or accessories you need to get started, this starter set is for you! This all inclusive Pen Making starter set includes the tools you need to get started including our popular Turncrafter Commander 10" Variable speed Midi Lathe plus carbide turning tools, pen blank drilling tools, and pen making accessories. We've also included 20 Slimline Pen Kits and 3 Bolt Action Pen Kits with kit specific drill bits and bushings you need to make the pens. You'll be making your first pen within an hour of getting this set. Please note this product only ships within the contiguous United States.
    Item # Quantity Description
    KWL-1018VS 1 Turncrafter Commander 10"
    PK-PENxx 20(Assorted) Slimline Pen Kits
    PKCP80xx 3 (Assorted) Bolt Action Pen Kits with 3/8"drill bit, & bushings
    PKWXxxx 3 ea 3/4" x 5" Exotic Hardwood Pen Blanks for Bolt Action Pen Kits
    PKM-FLC 1set #2 MT Pen Mandrel w/7mm drill bit and bushings mounts blanks onto lathe
    PKMWR 1set Pen Mandrel Wrenches
    LCWIZ 1 Benjamin's Best Carbide Wizard 3 Piece Chisel Set
    CSCPENCHK 1 Lathe mounted drilling chuck for drilling blanks on lathe
    TM32 1 Tailstock Drill Chuck for drilling blanks on lathe
    PK-EZx 40 (Assorted) Pre-Drilled EZ Blanks - 40 blanks makes 20 slimline kits
    PKGLUE61 1 1oz Pen Maker's CA for gluing wood into barrels
    PKGLUE9 1 2oz CA accelerator
    PKTRIM7 1 7mm Barrel Trimmer to square barrels for assembly
    PKTINT 1 Pen Tube Insertion Tool to insert glued tube into drilled blank
    PKSPSET5 1 5 Grit Sandpaper Set
    PKSWAX 1 250ml Shellawax Finish
    PKPRESSXL 1 Pen Assembly Press to press parts together
    DVD 1 Pen Making DVD - a how-to guide for Pen Making


    Specification Description
    Type: Starter Set
    Material: Cast Iron
    Brand: Turncrafter
    Volts: 110V
    Footprint: 31" x 7-1/4"
    Pulley Steps: 2
    Speed (RPM): 580-3800RPM,Variable Speed
    Headstock Thread: 1" x 8tpi
    Headstock Taper: #2MT
    Tailstock Taper: #2MT
    Distance between Centers: 18"
    Swing over Bed: 10 in.
    Tool Post Diameter: 5/8"
    Extension Bed Available: Y
    Category: Mini and Midi Lathes


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