
Salt and Pepper Shaker Kit Starter Set

Salt and Pepper Shaker Kit Starter Set

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    Purchase Salt and Pepper Shaker Kit Starter Set
    #PKSANDPSS | In stock, Ready to ship!

    Sell this for an average of $20.00 Learn more


    Improve your dining experience with this elegant salt and pepper shaker starter set. Includes materials to make one set: You get a Salt Shaker Kit, Pepper Shaker Kit, 2in. x 12in. Bocote blank (species subject to availability), drill bits and bushings. The Kits include a set of 2 food safe interior tubes, bottom plugs and S and P punched caps. Easy to make on a pen mandrel.


    Specification Description
    How Turned: Between Centers
    Category: Peppermill Kits


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    $20.00 Popular, & Walnut

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    $20 $20

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