
Fire Starter Kits

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Here's a Survival Tool that may be a lifesaver for any hunter, camper or fisherman. The Survival Fire Starter works better than matches and lighters and will function reliably in wet, windy or cold conditions. The system includes a flint rod, a steel striker, a magnesium bar, a leather strap and a compass. Easy to make.

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Fire Starter 6,000 Strike Kit
Fire Starter 6,000 Strike Kit Item # PKFS6000 Our Price: $12.95
23 reviews
Fire Starter 20,000 Strike Kit
Fire Starter 20,000 Strike Kit Item # PKFS20000 Our Price: $16.95
26 reviews
Fire Starter Flint Kit
Fire Starter Flint Kit Item # PKFS38 Our Price: $5.95
16 reviews